Froggy's Big Leap DevBlog

Tutorial Progress and New Power-Up


This week, I worked on creating more assets for my tutorial level, which takes place in a hollowed out log. I also created a new power up, the boxing glove, which can be used to destroy certain blocks and to propel the frog in the opposite direction of the hit. Here is a zoomed out look at what I have made for the tutorial level so far: This level is meant to teach the player the basic cont...

Collectibles and Tutorial Beginnings


This week I worked on collectible items started designing the tutorial level. For collectibles, I added bubbles and power-ups through the Godot TileMapLayer feature, so they can be placed like tiles but treated like individual scenes. This saves you the trouble of copying a bunch of instances of each object and manually placing them in the level. I had to write some code that replaces tiles with...

Sandbox Level and Player Damage System


This week I started building a sandbox environment to build and try level ideas. I started by deciding what are the most essential tile types, and created a tileset to represent them. I included a lot of the most basic tile types, such as basic tiles, grapple-able tiles, grapple-able but not physical tiles, damaging tiles, bouncy tiles, moving platforms, one-way platforms, and water. These ti...